International Ministries

Setting the Foundation for the Future

September 12, 2004 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,

Christian greetings to each and every one of you. We continue to praise God for all His blessings and protection. We are writing to tell about the beginning of the Haitian Baptist Women Training and Conference Center. Since Dec. 2000, Kihomi Ngwemi Nzunga has been working with women to unite and empower them for being who they are and to achieve what God has intended them to. She has been all over the country of Haiti to teach, to supervise, to preach, to counsel, to pray and cry with them.Whenever they go, they meet in churches and sometimes in classrooms for their trainings. They eat where they sleep since there is no other alternative.

Relying on their training on how to solve their problems, the Haitian Baptist Convention women decided that sleeping in churches while in training with all the dangerous bites of insects well known in tropical countries was dangerously exposing their lives.They wanted a place of their own with a house/dorm where they can sleep and get the training they need.

That place was Camp-Coq, located on the national highway, about 30 miles from the city of Cap-Haitian.That day was Monday, August 23, 2004.It was about 90 degrees that day, hot and very humid.Women from 6 churches were there as early as 6:00 AM.After a prayer led by Mrs. Grimard Abel, the president of the region, women and children took the rocks on their heads from the river, walking about a mile to the building site.Kihomi Nzunga, the national coordinator of Haitian Baptist Women ministry was there too, with her rocks on her head.One could easily see the joy on the faces of these women even though some of them were sick. At the end of the day, they have gathered about 6 to 7 big dumb trucks of rocks.

Many of the women you are watching now will not see the final phase of this center.They will not see the completion of it or use it.They don't care about who is to use it tomorrow.They are just glad to start something that will give glory to God.These small children dancing with rocks on their heads don't realize yet that this place is theirs. Many of them will be the leaders of this important ministry.Some will be directing this women center.

We pray that God will continue to sustain the joy of these mothers and their children for serving the Lord even in the most difficult conditions of this country.

Would you like to join us in prayers for this ministry? Thank you.

Yours missionary in Haiti,

Kihomi Ngwemi Nzunga