International Ministries

Everyday Life

June 21, 2006 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,Argentina

Greetings to you, to your family, and to the church family.

I am doing fine here but I miss the family. It is hot and humid. Soccer World Cup has become the number 1 priority now-a-days. In Haiti, we only know and have two teams. Either you are for Brazil or Argentina. People (men and women) go crazy when those two teams are playing.Most of them wear the color of those teams. I just wonder where they get Brazilthose colorful T-shirts.

Today I spent most of the day in Cap-Haitian where I went to meet our Agape plane. It was a very interesting day with two flat tires. About five people I was giving a ride did not mind waiting for over one hour to fix the worn out tires. I got home about 3 PM to find out that the water was not running, as always. So I had to wait to take my shower until 7 when the generator runs and pumps water again.

Around 7, the president of the university told me that I was going to add psychology for the freshmen class to my already heavy load for this coming fall. Next week I will be teaching Pastoral psychology to the Master students. It is a huge challenge since the whole class of 3 hour credits has to be given in 7 or 8 hours to professional students who come in on the weekend only.

This coming Sunday I will be giving a conference to a group of men coming from many churches to talk about families, today young persons and marriage.

Thank you for lifting me up to the throne of grace with these matters coming up.

Thank you for your support. In spite of our hectic life, we know that you stand by our sides day and night. We become strong knowing that you are there.

Please share our greetings with all.


Nzunga Mabudiga