International Ministries

An Encouraging Word

July 3, 2006 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,

Greetings. Today seems like one of those days when just one word changes the whole day and gives you the desire to keep living. This morning of Tuesday the 4th of July, I decided to clean the house in order to impress my wife who is returning from her mission in Saint Louis, MO region.

The knocks started early as always. During mid morning, a lady came in wanting boxes to cover her unfinished house. The mosquitoes were bothering her and she wanted to protect herself. I gave her 3 empty boxes. I did not finish opening my computer when another knock was banging at the door. When I went to open the door, it was two UN peace keepers. My heart started beating a little bit fast. What's wrong? What did I do? I said to myself. I invited them in. After we sat down, one of them said: "pastor we are at the end of our mission. We are leaving Sunday and we can not go without seeing you. You gave us Bibles that have been a source of comfort and encouragement." We have come to say thank you".

I did not know what to say. I remember ordering four English Bibles from our Agape Flights service that I did give to them. I did not expect them to come and say that those Bibles were of big help. This kind of testimony brightened my whole day.

We would not have been able to give them those Bibles without your help and your support. The UN peace keepers are people who face life and death situations day in day out. They were comforted because you cared for them.

They are leaving Haiti with a good souvenir of our Baptist ministry in Haiti.

Thank you to our Agape flights mission and to all of you for being behind every action we undertake in this country we have come to love and to cherish

Yours serving Him in Haiti,

Nzunga Mabudiga

Kihomi Nzunga