International Ministries

God’s Creatures Great and Small

September 5, 2006 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,

Praise the Lord, the Creator. We are parents again. We have been raising 7 turtles for sometime now in our small fish pond. We have been wondering when they will have babies or if they will ever any. Months have gone by and nothing has told us that they have laid eggs. Today around 6 PM we were feeding them some leaves when Kihomi saw a small thing moving. Her curiosity led her to go close to the small moving animal. I was afraid because I hate frogs. When she looked close, it was a small baby turtle. What a way to end the day. I got it and went around showing to all the families on the campus. We're now new parents.

God is good. Turtles are rare species and we are contributing to saving their lives while they help us enjoy them and entertain us in a place where there is nothing such us TV, movies or restaurants.

We thank you for all your supports.


Nzunga Mabudiga

Kihomi Ngwemi Nzunga