International Ministries

Meeting in Maissade

October 3, 2006 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,

Be Surprised by God. Pray. Give. Be amazed … Eph. 3: 20

Greetings and may the peace of our Lord be with you. This letter concerns my recent trip to Maissade Baptist Church.

For 5 years now, I have always been invited to visit this church. Because of my busy schedule, I have always sent my trained women to go. Maissade is a very clean small town with a very limited population. The city is filled with trees. It rains from September to April. It gets dry the rest of the year. The city doesn't have a lot of commercial activities one can look to. Besides churches, schools, and some merchants, Maissade can be a hard place to live.

The road to Maissade is rough, bad and extremely risky. During the rainy season, one has to be strong enough to risk his life on that road. I fainted going there. We were stuck 4 times in mud. We had 3 flat tires. We crossed more than 6 flooded Kihomi teachingrivers without bridges. When we got to our Baptist church around 6 PM from a voyage we started at 6:30 AM, we were rejuvenated by a reception the women gave us. All of a sudden, we forgot that we were tired.

For 4 days, (Sept 21-25) God blessed our seminar which was concentrated on the role of women in the church and the society, the development to help them face the hardships of life. Praises, singing and sharing intertwined the services that grouped 104 women.

For their first time in history, the women of our Baptist Church in Maissade and the surrounding churches celebrated the Baptist Women World Day of Prayer. This made us the first Baptist Women to celebrate this event this year since it is usually in November. Seven women represented one continent each, read its requests and put them under the cross.

Let me close by sharing a testimony one lady gave in church.

She said: "if we are living and able to send our children to school, it is because of the training some of our women received in Camp-Coq training and conference center. They came and shared with us. We put the teachings into practice. We have organized our credit union (Haitian women version). Since then our lives have changed."

We praised God for your continued support of our ministry. We plant, water but it is God, the giver of life, who makes it all possible.

May God Bless you.

Yours in Haiti,
