International Ministries

New Duties, Expanding Ministry

January 16, 2007 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,

Happy New Year 2007.

Greetings in the name of Christ!We want to thank you for the support you have generously given us throughout all the years we are in Haiti.You have sustained us behind our own imagination. Your gifts have been and are being used for scholarships for students, medical needs, needs for Kihomi's ministry with women and now Nzunga's work with the Haitian Eye Clinic, in Cap Haitian.We also use donations to help with our family needs.

All donations are used as you have asked them to be used. We are grateful for your ministry with us.

In September 2006 Nzunga took on the administration of the Cap Haitian Eye Clinic besides his teaching at the Christian University of Northern Haiti.

This clinic was started by Dr. Hollis Clark and his wife Wanda.As Dr. Clark is in the process of retiring, the administration of this wonderful clinic has fallen to Nzunga.This clinic provides eye care to many, many Haitians, whether they can pay or not.There are many needs from money for medicines, for replacement or repair of broken equipment, for refurbishing some much needed space to enlarge and make the clinic more useful.

The funds you send through the Board of International Ministries are particularly helpful because we can meet the greatest needs as we see them!

Our new address is:

Kihomi & Mabudiga Nzunga

C/O Agape Flights#10266

100 Airport Ave.

Venice, FL 34285

God bless you as you give and serve in Christ's name.Thank you again for your kindness and support!


Mabudiga & kihomi Nzunga

In Haiti