International Ministries

Eye Center Update

February 12, 2007 Journal

Dear Loved Ones,

May the peace of our Lord be with each and every one of you.

The staff of the Cap-Haitian eye clinic wants to express their gratitude for the support you have provided throughout the years. Without your support they would not be able to care for the many patients who count on this clinic for their eye care. The patients are always thankful for this place. Without this clinic many people would have already become blind and unable to provide for their families.

Since 1989 the Cap-Haitian eye clinic is the fruit of the vision, work, love, patience and sacrifices of Dr. Hollis Clark and his dear wife Wanda.Since then the Clarks have helped to restore sight to the poor, the rich, missionaries, nationals and many still now depend on this clinic for eye treatment and glasses.The Clarks plan to retire in March of this year.

The eye clinic is well equipped and the only one in Northern Haiti that provides this care. It continues to play an important role in this country.

Here are some figures to give you an idea of how helpful this ministry is.

In December 2006,

-245 returning patients were seen.

- 442 were the first time patients.

-31 operations were done.

In January of this New Year

-288 return patients were seen.

-565 patients came in for the first time.

-13 operations were done.

There is always a need for financial assistance and the eye clinic provide financial assistance for the elderly and young single mothers

Since September 2006 I have been administrator of the eye clinic as well teaching theology at the university. The road is bad from Limbe where we live to Cap-Haitian where the clinic is located. I need your prayers for patience and wisdom.

Yours partners serving in Haiti

Nzunga & Kihomi