International Ministries

A Woman in Step with the Spirit

August 9, 2010 Journal
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Dear Sisters,

One of the best parts of the BWA Women's Conference was being able to meet women from all over the world, hear their stories and build relationships with them. I had the opportunity to meet ABC missionary to Haiti, Kihomi Ngwemi and to hear her own personal story as well as the many stories she shared about the women of Haiti.

My heart went out to her as tears came to her eyes over her love for the women of Haiti. Kihomi has not been back to Haiti since before the earthquake, as she and her husband have been on home assignment this past year. She is getting ready to return in August and has asked for prayers for her and her husband, Nzunga; and for the people of Haiti, especially the women.

She has been in touch with women in Haiti and knows the need is great. In something so huge, where do you begin? Prayer! I promised her that American Baptist Women would be praying for her return and for her strength, wisdom and guidance in the days ahead. When she is able to access the situation and the needs upon her return to Haiti, I have asked her to let us know and that we would find a way to assist our sisters in Haiti. As the Chinese proverb states, "Women Hold Up Half the Sky" and as Christian women we are called to lift up our sisters in Haiti.

I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to meet Kihomi - a woman with a sweet spirit and love for the Lord that she puts into action as she serves as a missionary in Haiti. She is Woman, Destined for God's Purpose.

Let us as Women, Destined for God's Purpose continue to be in step with the spirit and lift up Kihomi and the women of Haiti in our prayers.



Dear Friends,

No one can speak to others in a any situation like someone that has been there.  Kihomi is a 3rd world woman and mother whose culture said she was not supposed to know or do anything but  have children and keep house.    She is now an educated, tireless worker for empowering 3rd world women to "be all they can be" and know they are a loved child of God without limitations.  If you ever have the privilege to hear her speak you will feel her passion and love for these people.  The newly installed president of the BWA got it right...She is a Woman, Destined for God's Purpose.

In His Name,

Dennis Shewell

MPT Convener for Kihomi and Nzunga