International Ministries

Happy Thanksgiving

November 23, 2014 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,




 This summer we started in Arizona, California, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, Vermont and Pennsylvania. It was back to back visits at many churches. We met many friendly churches, families and friends. Everywhere we passed, we were well cared for.


Those who received us went extra miles in being sure that we are well fed, well housed and well treated and kept warm where it was needed. They showed us places we would not ever dream of.


 Upon returning to our temporary home in Tempe, Arizona, we faced heavy fatigue and some medical issues that led Nzunga to ER and a bunch of CT tests. Thanks God there was nothing alarming. The heart will continue to be monitored since there is no change to worry about since 2009.


We will never take your love for granted. We know that it is because of your love that you take care of us in such a way that we have nothing to give you back to match what you do for us.


We are ready to return to Haiti to resume our ministries. We miss our people back in Haiti. Haiti is home for us. We pray and hope that you will continue to pray for us and to think of us whenever possible.


Thank you for all you did for us and continue to do.


 May God who gives to us all bless you and fill up your needs.


With deep gratitude,


Nzunga & Kihomi


Dear Friends,


I would like to add my thanks to all of you who helped me schedule their visit with you, hosted them in your homes and made sure their needs were met.  Haiti is a tough mission field but being on the move constantly, sleeping in different beds every night, and speaking over and over again may be tougher.  I pray you were all enlightened and inspired to support this wonderful ministry. 


Denny Shewell

Convener and Communications Advocate