International Ministries

What difference Education makes!

December 19, 2012 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2013 to each and every one of you.

Our Christmas gift was a visit of our scholarship student we supported from 2001-2005. Mirlande Lucien Mesamour came from a very poor family in La Pointe near Port de Paix. I went to La Pointe to present a conference on counseling in the church Mirlande was then a member. When I asked the question if young people knew where Limbe was and what was there, their answer was Limbe is a music camp. They did not know anything about the university here. I was somewhat saddened by the ignorance of our young people in not knowing that Limbe is the biggest protestant university in northern Haiti. Many of them prefer to go to Port-au-Prince where living conditions are hard for many of them.

To help them learn more about Limbe, I asked their pastor to recommend one poor young person we could help and who will be their ambassador. Mirlande was recommended because of her good conduct. We adopted her in our family and helped her study for four years. She finished her bachelor in business the top of her class becoming thus the first girl to graduate with such honor. She worked with Compassion International back in her city of La Pointe before getting married to pastor Junior Mesmour who is now working as English translator with the UN peace keepers.

She has come with her two boys to share their Christmas joy with our family. What else could we expect than this kind of visit that brings us joy of being proud grandparents (God-grandparents).

Mirlande is really the fruits of your love, your sacrificial giving and your support to our ministries. As God is sending Jesus to save us, you helped Mirlande's life through our ministries. May the blessings of this season be yours also.

Yours in Haiti,

Nzunga & Kihomi


Journals like this one show the time Nzunga and Kihomi spend loving, mentoring, encouraging, and teaching just one of many individuals they help.  Missionary work is not just working up a sermon for Sunday but standing beside someone for a long period of time shepherding them and preparing them to be successful in life.  As you can see by Mirlande story, her life was changed by meeting Nzunga and Kihomi and the Lord.  This change will now be part of her family’s legacy and pay dividends for generations.  Yes our Lord did give sermons to thousands but most of His ministry was to individuals that then changed the world.  From his disciples, the lame, the blind and the lady at the well he ministered to individual needs both physical and spiritual, as required for them.  Nzunga and Kihomi perform their ministry by following His example.  Thank you for supporting them as they labor in Haiti.


In His Grace,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman