International Ministries

Water Purifiers Installed in Haiti

October 28, 2010 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones and Friends,

Peace of the Lord on each one of you. Many of you have learned and seen on TV the cholera epidemic that is killing people in Haiti. Over 300 people have died already and thousands more are in the hospitals. The source of this epidemic is dirty water we drink and use on daily basis.

The team from New Life headed up by Terry Bivens are in Haiti installing water for the Haitian Baptist Convention, up-grading old systems and training young Haitians on how to take  care of this equipment. 

One of the biggest schools of the Haitian Baptist Convention is CENTRE SILOE located just outside the city of Cap Haitien.  Mrs. Terry Bivens-Fry worked under heavy tropical rain to install the water purifier in that school under the watchful eye of Reverend Pastor Joseph Voltaire. After the pastor drank his first cup of purified water, he wrote:  

Cher Nzunga

Je viens de boire un verre d'eau très pure.  Le plus important, je suis témoin occulaire des étapes de sa purification.  Comme personnes, les membres de l'équipe New Lifeont ètaient extraordinaires.  Ils font ce travail sous la pluie mais avec joie.  Grace à Dieu et grace à votre intervention, mon ami, l'eau potable n'est plus un problème pour les enfants et professeurs du Centre Siloé y compris le pasteur qui viendra régulièerement faire le plein de ses gallons


Past. Voltaire


Dear Nzunga,

I have just drunk a cup of purified water. What is very important is the fact that I have witnessed the stages of the purification of this water. The team of New Life is extraordinary. In spite the heavy rain the team is working under, all the members are joyful in their work. Thanks to your intervention, my friend, the lack of purified water is no longer a problem for the children, the professors of our school, the Centre Siloe and the pastors who will be coming to fill up their gallons here. A saving water ministry like this one would not be possible without your assistance. You made it possible for the brothers and sisters in Haiti to have clean drinking water and avoid dying of cholera.

May God bless of you.

Pastor Voltaire


Yours serving Him with ABC/IM in Haiti

Nzunga & Kihomi   



Terry Bivens-Fry is a member of Kihomi and Nzunga’s MPT and she is an expert in water purification.  She volunteers with New Life who invented and manufactures the water purifiers.  We held our first MPT meeting at New Life last year and they showed us the great work they are doing in this critical area.  Nzunga immediately started reciting the places that these would be lifesavers such the eye clinic, hospital, school, etc.  Now a year later, due to you support, we have four of these life saving devises to install in Haiti in collaboration with the Haitian Baptist Convention.  Terry is there with Global Samaritans who have installed many of these devises in the 3rd world.

It is amazing to see how God works among dedicated Christians.  ABC International Ministries dedicating Kihomi and Nzunga to serve in Haiti, one of their MPT members volunteering at a water purification company, Global Samaritans willing to work with us and Terry and last but certainly not least you are donating the funds to allow it to happen.

God Bless you all!

Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener

Shawna Gorman – MK Advocate

Diana Peysha – Prayer Advocate

Terry Bivens-Fry – Missions Involvement Energizer

Les Roberson – Specific Needs Advocate

Charles Newman – Financial Advocate