International Ministries

Water Purifiers Save Lives

January 23, 2011 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,
Greeting from our Haiti,
Yesterday Thursday January 20, I had the visit of Pastor Appolon Hubert of Soufiere Limbe Baptist Church who reported the difference the water purifier has made in his community. Tom Dake and his friend Mike Herbert helped install the water purifier in this remote area. Before the water purifier the death rate due to cholera epidemic was extremely high. The pastor talked about ten cases of cholera every day before the clean water. The death rate is close to zero today.  Today January 21, Pastor Cardichon Ludner of Enery Baptist Church reports the same progress the purifiers are making in Enery and in Gonaives. The wife of the president of L'Universite Chretienne du Nord d'Haiti, Laurel Casseus, reported to the general assembly the joy and the improvement in health the purifier is making on the university community.
We say thank you to all of you, who in one way or another, contributed to saving lives in Haiti. The purifiers have brought hope to all of us that tomorrow things will be better. Special thanks go to those who risked their life by coming to install those water purifiers in nour area: Terry Bivens, Dr. Ben Gray, Leslie Roberson well known in Haiti as Bouboul: strong man, Tom Dake and Mike Herbert. Today we have eleven sites where water is being consumed pure without fear of cholera.
Yours in Haiti,
Nzunga & Kihomi

Dear Supporters,

Clean Water!  We don’t even think about it as we turn on a faucet.  In the developing world the lack of clean water kills more people each year than all of the wars and natural disasters combined.  I am especially proud that we were all introduced to these life saving devices by our MPT member Terry Bivens-Fry and many were installed by her and another MPT member Les Roberson.  Of course the money to buy them came from many of you.  Only God can bring together the right people at the right time to accomplish these wonderful things.  Thank You!

Dennis Shewell
Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener
Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry