International Ministries

Congo School Named after Rev Nzunga

June 20, 2011 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting from the big Democratic Republic of Congo. Our visit continues to be a blessing to us and to many of those we are visiting.

Beside visiting friends and family members, another highlight has been our visit to the church we started and served prior to going to Haiti. While serving the church we dreamed of having a school where our own children would be proud to study in. That dream became a reality in spite that we did not have anything at that time. We started the COMPLEXE METROPOLITAIN BAPTISTE under a mango tree and now the school children are studying in a nice school building. The school has been re-baptized as INSTITUT REVEREND NZUNGA.

The school has grown to the point that our joy was behind our expectation. The elementary and High schools have both close to one thousand children. Medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors, tailors and fashion designers and so many more have been produced in this school that started in our mind as a simple crazy idea, as an adventure. The school is using over 60 persons/staff to train the future generation in the responsible spiritual manners.

One interesting case was a guy named Banguka. He was a song leader when we were pastoring the church. We dreamed of sending him to a pastoral school in Kikongo but left before this dream became true. Banguka was grinding peanut butter at the market to support himself. Mr. Banguka went back to school in spite of his advanced age and today Banguka still leads songs at the church but has become an excellent professor teaching at our school.

We praise God for using us to be the vessel of education for the generation to come. If we were able to come up with the idea of having a good school, it was because we were well trained in mission schools. This is our way of paying back what the Lord has given us.

Your support to mission has not been in vain.

Yours, visiting in the Congo, DRC.

Nzunga & Kihomi

Dear Friends,

What an honor to have a school named after you!  Most experts on under developed nations say education is the answer.  Nzunga and Kihomi have dedicated their lives to educating others, many who would not have received this blessing without them.  They recognize that their own education is due to American Baptist schools in the Congo when they were young.  I believe they said it all…. Our support of them is bearing fruit which honors our Lord, lifting people up.   Thank you.


Dennis Shewell
Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener
Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry
Phone: 812-569-1352

Other team Members:
Les Roberson
Diana Peysha
Shawna Gorman
Terry Bivens-Fry
Charles Newman