International Ministries

Cholera on the Rise Again in Haiti

July 5, 2011 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,


Since our return from Congo on June 10 and then traveling to the ABC Biennial in Puerto Rico on June 23-27, Kihomi has been busy with different trainings on cholera prevention. She started in Limbe where she had 163 women coming from 7 churches. Two girls were coming for the first time to our women's meeting when they got into a motorcycle accident. One person involved in that accident had a broken leg and the girls had some cuts. Kihomi stayed with them at the hospital until late in the evening and took care of the expenses. The girls were thankful to God because they did not have money to pay for the hospital treatment.

From Limbe, she went to Port-au-Prince (PAP) where cholera is on the raise again. The need is that Kihomi and her team of trainers need to be going to all the different churches to train more women at once.

While in Port-au-Prince she learned that in Fretas region people have not yet received any training since the cholera outbreak. A team of people went to this region and shared the aqua tab tablets without too much training. People did not know how to use those tablets and many died of misuse of tablets rather than from the epidemic itself.

The response of the people to the trainings is very encouraging to Kihomi and her team. They are strengthened to continue the education sessions in which they are deeply involved.

In the Batan area, out of 192 homes, only 25 had latrines before the cholera outbreak. Now people are building latrines and have built 7 so far. We pray that all the homes in the Batan area will one day have their own latrines. In the Mirebalais region where cholera first started, the area president is requesting some oral serum or dehydration solution.

We are here doing what we can to save lives because your prayers give us the strength we need to do the Lord’s work.

Thanks and gratitude to all.

Yours in Haiti

Nzunga & Kihomi

Dear Supporters,

Cholera has once again returned to Haiti.  Kihomi’s teaching and teams are one of the best weapons against this disease, in the rural areas sometimes the only weapon.  Ignorance and the lack of the proper supplies are the killers.  Kihomi and her teams supply the knowledge and the required items to fight back due to your support.  Thanks you.

In his Grace and Peace,

Dennis Shewell
Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener
Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry
Phone: 812-569-1352

Other team Members:
Les Roberson
Diana Peysha
Shawna Gorman
Terry Bivens-Fry
Charles Newman