International Ministries

New Truck an answer to Prayer

July 23, 2011 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting. At 12: 34 PM our Haitian time, we arrived home this Saturday July 24, 2011 with a brand new Nissan Diesel. This new tool of evangelism, the instrument to help reach out to the helpless of our society, is really the fruit of your love, your support to our ministries in this Island of Haiti. We feel now liberated and free to help those in remote and difficult places we would not otherwise be able to reach.

To read how the truck will be used at the Cap Haitien Eye Center in northern Haiti, click here. 

We associate our voice to the voices of those we will be able to touch and say a big THANK YOU for helping purchase this vehicle. We are not taking this new equipment for granted because we know that you gave out of your love and you have make some major sacrifices in order to have us reach to others in need.

Again, MESI AMPIL AMPIL. Thank you very much.

Yours in Haiti,

Nzunga & Kihomi

Dear Supporters,

This is a wonderful day of answered prayer.  The lack of a vehicle was their greatest need in a country that traveling is difficult under the best of circumstances.  Now they can take their ministry of teaching and helping in the name of our Lord to all of Haiti.  Thank you to all who heard God’s whispering to them about this need and acted.  God will be glorified!


Dennis Shewell
Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener
Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry
Phone: 812-569-1352

Other team Members:
Les Roberson
Diana Peysha
Shawna Gorman
Terry Bivens-Fry
Charles Newman