International Ministries

Kihomi on the road for four days

October 13, 2011 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

May the peace of our Lord be with each one of you. God has been good to us and He is keeping us in good physical condition. We continue to serve Him in spite some hardships of Haitian life as many of you know it.

God has been very good in providing us with a truck which makes our ministry easy. I left my house on September 27 to October 1st to go south visiting women and men and the general condition of our churches after the January 10 earthquake. We visited the churches in Darbonne, Grand Goaves, Petit Goave, Croix Hilaire. Carrefour Dent, Mussotte, Paillant, Montrouis and we ended up with the mountainous church in Frettas.
Everywhere we went we were well received and women specially have wanted to see us earlier, not knowing that we have over 120 chuches and hundreds of sub-churches. Many men and the pastors of the churches visited accompanied women to our different gatherings. Churches are strong and growing in spite of social and economic life that is difficult for many families. Women continue to be the majority in all our churches.

We dealt with subjects related to health and hygiene, cholera prevention and the big and important role women have in churches and in the families. We stressed the fact that women have to stand strong if we want to have strong families, strong churches and a strong nation. We spent numerous hours in individual and group counseling. The prayer sessions were the high light of our gathering taking us into the late hours of evenings (10 or 11 PM).

We brought our relief efforts to the many families that were badly hit by the earthquake and the general situation of the country. We also paid more attention to those who can not help themselves in the distribution of the relief.

If we are able to accomplished these ministries it is because you care for us. Yours prayers and your different supports have helped sustain us so that we can continue to be the feet and the hands of Jesus Christ.

Your gifts through the World Mission Offering make the ministries happen over here.

With thanksgiving,

Serving Him in Haiti
Kihomi Nzunga

Dear Friends,

Once again I wish to thank you for obtaining a vehicle for the ministry.  Nothing could have increased the efficiency and decreased the hardships of their work as well this truck.

Thanks again for your support.


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry

E-mail:     Please note new email address!

Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman