International Ministries

Eye Clinic offers special exams

October 13, 2011 Journal
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Dear Loved One and our supporters,

The staff and the patients of our eye clinic have come to greet and to say thank you to you for your prayers and your supports. The eye clinic organized two days of glaucoma screening, September 22 and 23. The first day was at our clinic were 221 patients were seen in that one day and the second day it was at Justinien hospital, the general hospital in the city of Cap-Haitian. Three doctors: Guerline Roney, Lucien Carmelle Guerrier and our own Dupy Luc Pierre worked together to see and to counsel patients. The doors of the clinic did not close until after 5 PM.

On Thursday October 6, we had a day of Retina screening. We saw 44 patients. Eye glasses and sun glasses were given to those who really needed them. Dr. Olson from the States helped in screening some of all those patients.

The eye clinic continues its ministry of caring for the vision. of those in need. Because you care for us, we, in turn care for those who are unable to care for themselves. Together we are all being the feet and the hands of Jesus Christ in a difficult place like Haiti.

Please continue to pray and to think of the Cap-Haitian eye clinic.


Nzunga & Kihomi serving Him in Haiti..

Dear friends,

The eye clinic continues to provide vital medical care for the poor in northern Haiti.  They are in desperate need of updated equipment especially for Glaucoma screening.  If your eye doctor would donate this equipment it would be a tremendous blessing.  Please ask him/her if they would have excess or obsolete equipment that could be used in Haiti. 


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry

E-mail:     Please note new email address!

Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman