International Ministries

Northern Haiti Women plan for 2012

November 9, 2011 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

Peace of our Lord be into you. This last Saturday October 15, forty-four (44) leaders from thirteen (13) churches met in Cap-Haitian, the second largest city of Haiti. The aim of the meeting was to evaluate the women activities in those churches of northern region, to plan for the year 2012 and to elect the new board members.

Taking the advantage of this meeting, we continued learning about cholera prevention and the measure to take once bitten by a dog. The rabbi teaching was new to many of those leaders who have not yet heard that there are wild dogs biting people in the country.

We also talked about the Baptist Women World Day of Prayers for this year.

The interesting part for me was to see two of my leaders teaching cholera prevention. I intervened only to answer some difficult questions for them.

We continue to praise God for your continued support to our ministries without it would be impossible for us to be of help to many.

May God of love keep you all under His power.

Yours in Haiti



Dear Friends,


Kihomi’s women’s leaders are a powerful force for God in Haiti.  She has organized and trained Godly women to train others in their area so as to multiply her influence and love over the entire country.  Many lives have been saved from the many health issues in this country and many have been lead to trust the Lord. 

Thank you for your continued support of funds and prayer.  You are making a difference.

In His Name,

Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman