International Ministries

Pure Water Essential in Haiti

December 2, 2011 Journal
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Report 2 - This the second of a series of reports of my trip leading a team to Haiti Nov 14 – 21, 2011


More Pure Water Available in Haiti

The Bible has a lot to say about water.  In Matthew giving water to the thirsty was a show of our love of the Lord and likened to giving to Him.  In John Jesus tells all that are thirsty to come to him and never be thirst again.  

We know that water is essential to life but unclean water is the biggest killer on the planet, especially to young children.   So many young children die before the age 5 that many developing country parents don’t even name them until they reach that milestone.  In Haiti it is common to call them “ti chape” which translates into “My little escapee”. 

The Nzunga & Kihomi MPT is very fortunate to have Terry Bivens-Fry on our team.  She was one of the first to volunteer to join us and is an expert in water purifiers.  She has been part of New Life International water purifiers as both a volunteer and employee for many years.   Her experience of installing these lifesaving devices and training locals to run them is extensive, traveling all over the world.

Since the earthquake 13 purifiers have been installed by Terry and another one of our MPT members, Les Roberson, who has been trained by Terry on the device. 

We planned on checking the ones already there and to install two more that were sponsored by members of the group going with us.  We installed one at a church that was making the water available to the residents of the area around their church.  The second one was installed in a senior citizens home operated by the pastor of a near by church.  Terry has trained a local to install and help with problems if they arise.  This simple device can purify up to 50 gallons a minute using only a car battery and table salt.  If you want to learn more go to

It was great to see the interest and enthusiasm of the Haitians receiving these purifiers.  The cholera epidemic has made them all aware of the need for pure water. We work thru the Haitian Baptist Convention to decide where they are installed. 

Please pray that the Haitians will continue to use them even if the cholera situation improves. 

Pray that those receiving them will promote there use and keep them maintained.

Pray that the churches, schools and clinics that have them will use the unconditional love demonstrated by the Christian’s who donated the purifiers to show Christ’s unconditional love for them.

In His Name,

 Dennis Shewell

Nzunga & Kihomi MPT member
