International Ministries

The Eye Clinic Ministry in Haiti

January 4, 2012 Journal
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Report 4 - This the fourth of a series of reports of my trip leading a team to Haiti Nov 14 – 21, 2011


The Eye Clinic Ministry


We were fortunate to be able to visit the eye clinic when they were having a two day eyeglasses give away.  The clinic was standing room only with the crowd spilling out onto the street.  Most big gatherings of people in Haiti can be very chaotic.  More mob than crowd.  However it was very organized and calm.  Everyone had a number and knew they would get their turn.  Student nurses from other hospitals were there to help along with additional doctors.  The flow of patients thru various stages of examination was orderly and efficient.  They would see over 300 patients this day. 


The stories of lives restored because of this clinic are many.  Here are just a couple. 


Delita lost her sight 5 years ago. She also lost her independence. She needed help with everyday chores, with dressing and undressing. She could no longer farm or take care of her cows and chickens.

 When we saw her in consultation, she revealed, "I could only hear my grandchildren playing around for the last 2 years ! »
Delita’s operation was a great success. “I’m very happy. I thank God “A dream has come true. I can’t wait go back to farming.”


Jean and his family live in a poor, isolated area of the North Department of Haiti. His life changed drastically when he developed cataract in both eyes and was forced to quit his job. At that point, Jean lost all confidence in doing everyday tasks and spent most of his time in the house. His wife and two daughters were then required to support the family any way possible.

Hope came when they came to Centre Ophtalmologique du Cap-Haitien. His cataract was removed, and he can now support his family again. He and his family are extremely grateful for the chance at an improved life


The Bible tells of Jesus restoring sight many times.  To be blind in Haiti is almost as bad as in biblical times as there is little chance of being able to take care of yourself, get a job, or live a normal life.  The reasons for cataracts are many but living where the tropical sun shines everyday exacerbates the situation.  This even causes more children in Haiti to form cataracts at an early age. (You will here more about this later). There is no insurance, Medicaid or any other resource to help them.    It is your support of International Ministries and their relationship with the Haitian Baptist Convention that makes this possible.


Pastor Nzunga took over administration the clinic several years ago and has made a difference in it’s effectiveness in serving the northern Haiti region.  Training the Haitians to run the clinic in an orderly fashion, writing protocols and expecting cleanliness is just a few of the changes he has instituted.  Often Haitians don’t think they are smart enough to do things for themselves but Nzunga has encouraged and trained them where their self esteem has soared and they believe in themselves.  Everyone was busy doing their part, the supplies were stocked on clearly labeled shelves, and all was kept moving.


The equipment was sparse and old.  They desperately need many pieces of equipment to do an even better job.  Eyeglass prescription needs for a person is determined mainly by the results of the eye chart.  The have eye charts like we are used to with the alphabet letters getting smaller and smaller.   For those that can not read the old E chart I saw as a pre-schooler is used.  They could use many things, especially glaucoma screening equipment. 


We were all amazed at this facility.  It is an oasis of hope in a desert of despair.  Many of the group had ideas to help.  One idea we are working on is a TV and DVD player that can run health information while they are sitting in the waiting room.  Remember handing out pamphlets like we would here doesn’t work if they can’t read.


Please keep the eye clinic in your prayers as it shows God’s love to many Haitians in need.


Pray that the needed equipment to make it even more effective can be obtained.