International Ministries

A Stick is Required

May 13, 2012 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,


May the peace of our Lord be with each and every one of you.

When we travel around the country we often meet many challenges. Some of which we understand and some other we don’t understand at all. This was the case in the remote areas of the Plateau Central region where we met many school children on their way to school and all of them carrying a piece of stick. We first thought that the sticks were to help them walk in rocky roads and to measure how deep the rivers were. We were wrong.


Those sticks are wood to help the school kitchen cook the one meal a day they give to those kids provided by the Food World Program for children in many schools.

It is much better not to have the money to pay for your school fees than to miss having the stick of the day. A child who does not bring a stick to school will not study for that day.


Looking for a stick and bringing it to school helps those children learn early in life the importance of them contributing to their food. They work in order to eat for the day. Sometimes, the only meal of the day.


We deeply appreciate you keeping those children in your prayers.

Yours in Haiti


Kihomi & Nzunga



Dear Friends,


This is the second report of Kihomi’s trip to the Central Plateau. 


I remember my grandmother telling how all the kids had to bring a lump of coal for the stove in her one room school house when she was young.  How things have changed!  Now kids get on a school bus with the school in sight.  Many children in Haiti never ever go to school.  Those who are lucky enough to attend go to very poor facilities if there is a building at all.  These pictures are exactly like every school room I have seen in Haiti.  One teacher and a blackboard.  No text books, no paper, no pencils.  Most of these “lucky ones” will only go until 6th or 8th grade.  They can memorize however like no one would believe.  And sometimes a bright child will get picked up for future education thru Nzunga’s scholarship fund.  Wouldn’t be wonderful if we could send them all for more education?  Who knows what might happen if none were left behind in their life and Haiti’s.




Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman