International Ministries

One Woman's Courage and Leadership

May 20, 2012 Journal
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Flag Day is a national holiday in Haiti, where school students organize to march with different fanfares.

Our big surprise was in the city of Limbe, 3 miles down the road. A Baptist lady named Mrs. Grimard Abel demonstrated what women are able to do when given the liberty to do what they know best. This lady buried her husband less than a month ago. She mobilized the population of her city Limbe. First she cleaned the main street which has just been paved. Then she drew a yellow line to divide the two sides and the crossing lines for pedestrians. She decorated the entire street and invited fanfares and all kinds of groups to play and to amuse people. She always insists on cleanliness and invites her people to clean the city. Her goal is to serve as a model for the entire city. Then she plans to get everybody to reconcile with each other.

The entire city of Limbe turned into a carnival like ambiance. From her action, we are learning that she has a real power and she has been using it to effectively bring changes in many places around Haiti. She works with the Medical Ambassador and with Kihomi in her CHE program.

We thank God for a lady like Mrs. Grimard Abel who has courage and leadership abilities.



Dear Supporters,

You hear many stories of people causing trouble in Haiti and not working together.  This is a beautiful story of an empowered lady who brings people together and solves problems, even when she is grieving herself.  She is a important part of Kihomi’s CHE teams and demonstrates how important Kihomi’s mission of empowering women can be.


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman