International Ministries

New Home for Lady living in Mud & Stick Shack

June 8, 2012 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting. One of the challenges on the mission field is how to help those at the bottom of the society to move up. We have noticed that the society itself keeps those people where they are and it would like to keep them there forever. They are our no name people, they have no status and nobody cares for them. They are doomed to being that way unless an accident happens along the way.

This is the case you see in the pictures. This lady has three children and the man has gone overseas for good. She struggles to live. They have been living in the mud and stick house where from the distance one can see through. The roof leaks all over because the metal sheets are rusted behind repair. It was unbearable to see and to understand.

God in His miraculous ways sent a team in November to visit us. The team left us with some money we used to buy some metal sheets to help cover the bricks house the lady has been building since we are in this country almost 14 years now. Lately thanks to the memorial funds from a family friend, we were able to help her finish the new house and help her move in somewhat more comfortable house than the stick & mud house.

We praise God for the generosity of friends that has helped the family move in a nice and comfortable place even not completely finished yet.


Nzunga & Kihomi



Dear Friends,


I was on that trip in November and I think the amount we left was $178.  Such a small amount to make a house dry.  I have also been in the tropical storms that come to Haiti.  It comes down like nothing I have ever experienced in Indiana.  I saw one of these mud & stick homes on my first trip to Haiti in 2007.  I thought it was a shed for animals until I saw the kids come out to see what we were doing. 


Her new block home is because Nzunga and Kihomi are always watching for the disenfranchised and down trodden.  They are there because of your support.  You are touching lives you will never meet but God knows.  You are making a difference!


Thank you.


In His Name,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman