International Ministries

Roselaure Charles' Story

October 12, 2012 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,
Greeting. Her name is Roselaure Charles and is 18 years old from the city of Limbe. At 16 years old, Roselaure became pregnant with a baby boy and at 18 years old she had another pregnancy with another baby boy. Before becoming pregnant, she lost her vision in the both eyes due to cataracts and became totally blind.
The friend to whom I have told about our restoring sight to children program recommended this young girl to the eye clinic. On May 9, the young girl was well prepared for the eye operation. Once at the operating table, she abruptly got up, walked out of the operating room saying that she believed in what her father told her, that she will never see again. I tried to talk to her but my talk was in vain. With her mother, they went back to their home.


Months later she came back and was operated on Thursday October 4. Roselaure can now see again in spite what her father told her. She can see her children the way they really are, the father of those children and is rejoicing to regain her vision again. She is ready to have the right eye operated on. 


It is because of God and those who love Him that these kinds of miracles can be happening here day after day. We praise God for your love, your prayers and your support that help people like Roselaure and many more like her to be able to see again.


Yours in Haiti,


Nzunga & Kihomi


Dear Friends,


I love these stories of children receiving the gift of sight.  No greater Love that helping people we don’t know have a chance at life.  Blind people in Haiti can only beg for a living.  Thank you.  We have written about our problem getting a gel needed to do these operations.  At this time we are able to buy it from the local hospital but it is increasing our costs.  Please pray we can find a source that would donate this needed medication.




Dennis Shewell

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry

Convener and Communications Advocate



Other MPT Members:


Terry Bivens-Fry

Shawna Gorman

Charles Newman

Diana Pasha

Les Roberson