International Ministries

Micro Credit programs can make a difference

October 17, 2012 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

One of the challenges we face daily in our effort to help women and families get out of poverty is knowing when our teachings are paying off and when they are not being of benefit to the families.  Often a I return to find people I have tried to help by giving them something were no better off than when I was there before.  I am learning that the micro credit or micro finance programs have a better chance to make permanent changes in people’s attitudes that lead to more productive lives and self reliance.

I would like to share some stories that have encouraged me in my most recent visit in South and Port-au-Prince.  One of the groups we have helped start micro credit projects is the women’s association of the Baptist Church of Dorbonne.

A woman received from us some money to start selling items in order to help her family. From the sale of these every day food items, she bought herself a pig. With this pig project, she was able to buy a cow. In the Haitian economy is much better to have a cow that will bring to the family enough money at once. That cow has a baby now and the family is having enough milk for everyday personal use. A goat, a pig or a cow is like having money in your bank account. It will help you in time of need.

Another woman used her money to buy and sell some food items.  From the sale of these products, she has been able to buy a motorcycle that her husband is using as a motorcycle taxi.  Right now, motorcycle taxis are a booming business in Haiti, and we all use them to get from one place to another.  The family now has a source that is giving them some income on a regular basis. 

We say thank you for your support. Without it many families would be unable to survive today.

Yours in Haiti



Dear Friends,

Micro finance programs are revolutionizing the third world.  Giving people things robs them of their dignity and fosters dependency on charity.  Giving start up loans so people can operate their own business builds self reliance and pride. 

The man who came up with this idea was awarded a noble prize a few years ago.  It is all based on Jesus’ feeding of the 5000.  He did not just snap his fingers and have food show up.  He asked what do YOU have you would be willing to give to Me to use.  And he took that small offering and made it the answer to a problem.  (The Bible actually says it was 5000 men so when you take into account women and children some say it was a feeding of 20000).  

What do you have you can turn over to Him to make a difference?  It matters whose hand it is in!


In Peace and Love,

Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman