International Ministries

Gros Morne gets clean water

May 12, 2013 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,
Peace to all of you. In Haiti water is not shared equally by Mother Nature. Some parts of the country have plenty while others are suffering. This is the case of Gros Morne where I have been twice to share goats and pigs to children. Gros Morne is in the desert so to speak. Water is a luxury. Many people have to buy it from those who have pumps or from water truck. 


On Friday May 3 I was there to visit and to supervise the water pump my team have dug for our Philadelphia church. I was impressed by the good quality of water the pump furnish to our people. The pump is at the entrance of the church and the members have been blessed to have the water close to their homes.   


One lady was happy to say that their church is fresh and that their shoes are not full of dust anymore. While there on that Friday evening, I witnessed children being bathed and looking clean thanks to the clean water close to home.


We join our voice to those of the people of Gros Morne  to say THANK YOU for saving lives through the clean water project.


Yours in Haiti


Nzunga & Kihomi


This is the second city to get these wonderful pumps in hand dug wells.  We told you about installing these pumps in L’Acul in an earlier journal.  You can see the small boy filling a bucket with a pan from a trickle of water before the pump is installed.  In some places in Haiti the water is too deep for hand digging but where it is shallow enough these are life saving pumps.  Most hand dug wells are open topped and get contaminated by what falls in them including dead animals.  The well water in Haiti is normally pure but if there is not a well close the people will go the nearest water source.  You would too if you had to lug in on your back.  With a clean source nearby disease is greatly reduced.


Again thank you for allowing Nzunga and Kihomi to demonstrate God’s love by these critical projects. 


In His Love,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Shawna Gorman

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman