International Ministries

Trip Interrupted

May 20, 2013 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,
Greeting. Friday May 17, was a day Kihomi was supposed to meet with the women of North East in the city of Terrier Rouge for the micro business training. She left the house early to get there on time. When she arrived in the city of Trou du Nord, she saw miles long line of vehicles that could go through the city of Terrier Rouge.  Why? The people in Terrier Rouge are mad for not having good water and have barricaded the road to force the government to give them clean water in the city. They would not let even those on foot go by. The Terrier Rouge people picked the day when the boarder market with the Dominican Republic is open to help Haitians buy whatever they need. By blocking the road on the market day, they sent a clear message that the issue is very serious.
Kihomi will be back next Friday to meet with her women. 
When we think of clean water we can only praise God for His goodness to us. We have provided good water in the cities of:
L'Acul du Nord
L'Acul Jeanot
Haut-Limbe-Section de Paris
Limbe Bourg-Quartieme section
Gros Morne   
Wish you all were here to witness how much we appreciate having water close to homes but having clean water. Thank you, thank you again as we say in Creole-MESI AMPIL.
Yours in Haiti,
Nzunga & Kihomi
Dear Friends,

So goes it in Haiti.  You must always have a back up plan when traveling as riots, floods, wash outs, and break downs are part of the deal.  Despite the set back Kihomi will get there and you will see some of the results in the next journal. 

Look at all the places Nzunga has been successful at putting in hand dug wells and pumps.  These are incredibly cheap if the water is close enough to the surface that hand digging will work.  The PVC pump is assembled from locally available parts and is less than $50.  Bad water still kills more than anything else in developing countries.  You can not imagine the blessing these wells are.  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink” Matt 25:35.  You play a critical role in bringing life saving water now and a chance to drink from the streams of living water offered by Jesus.  Thank You.

In His Grace and Peace,

 Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352

Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman