International Ministries

Starting the class of 2013 right - Part 2

October 17, 2013 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting and peace to each one of you. We are doing fine.

This Monday I started a new class with the freshmen. We have about 150 of them that the university had to break them down into two groups. The first group has 60 and I will see tomorrow what the second class will hold. I started at 8:30 to 11:00am. Last night I did not sleep well. All night I was  thinking on how to start to get these young men and women interested in listening to my lecture.

God gave me an idea. I took with me Mom Sharon's two bags of M & Ms to share with them. The first thing I asked them to prepare their desks in order to have some space between them. This was so I can walk between them as I talked. They all cooperated well. I said that because you are such good students, you all deserve a treat. My two assistants shared with them the M&Ms. For this class I have a young girl and a young boy as assistants to train this year. The class is called "orientation et motivation a la vie universitaire".

Around 9:00am it was getting too hot in the classroom with no fans, and nothing to help cool us down. I had on my African shirt and started to sweat like crazy. I asked the male assistant to go buy plastic bags of water for the whole class.

After 11:00am , I had to meet with the two assistants to evaluate how the first day went. I got home at 12. I have never felt the way I felt. I thought that I was dying. I was beat up, very exhausted. Kihomi has blended packages of cranberry to make some juice. She gave me to drink. She learned for her first time that she could blend the cranberry to make juice.  I took a five minute nap to go back for a 1:00 - 3:00pm class.

I have tomorrow from 8:30 to 11 to go again with another group.

This is my second group of the freshmen class. The largest one with 80 students. Today I was smart enough to have a bottle of water with me. We had to buy for the 80 students.

They are writing to respond to 3 questions:

Why do they choose to study at our university?

What are their ambitions in life or what do they want to become after their studies?

What the university means for them?


 Thank you for loving us and praying for us.





Dear Friends,


Here you see the future of Haiti being greatly influenced by Nzunga and his love for God and them.  His job is to get them started off right with the right attitude and a willingness to work at learning.  I know he takes this challenge very seriously and prays that they all make it.  Please join him in praying for these chosen ones to have the mind and love of God in them to lead Haiti in the future.


In His peace and grace,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman