International Ministries

Promotion Sunday in Haiti

November 12, 2013 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,


Peace of our risen Lord on each one of you. This Sunday November 10, 2013 was a special Sunday at our church. We had a Fete de Promotion. A fete de promotion in Haiti church life is the Sunday we celebrate what has happened in Sunday school throughout the whole year.  The leaders of the Sunday school give the report of how much money each class gave the whole year, how many converts and the children recite the verses of the Bible they have memorized. It is the time they change classes. We can say that it is a graduation Sunday for every body. The exciting part remains when the children compete to recite the Bible verses they have learned. Some children can recite more then 20 verses and long chapters in different books of the Bible. 


The preacher of today preached on I Samuel 7:12 and insisted on the importance of writing well on life of our young generation as Samuel wrote on the rock in Mizpah: "Thus far the Lord has helped us".  Samuel recalled what the Lord has done, is doing and will do for them. He praised the American missionaries who sacrificed their life to introduce the gospel in this region. 


Thank you for sending missionaries around the world to spread the living Word.


Serving Him in Haiti,


Nzunga & Kihomi  


Dear Supporters,


Look at the crowd.  Standing room only!  I hope this is the way your church is but it has been a long time since I have been a church that was that full.  Due to the lack of pen and paper in Haiti they are the world champions at memorizing.  It is very evident at this promotion Sunday as the children recited what they had learned.  Large passages from some.  Most of the churches I have visited in Haiti were full on Sundays even when they did not have anything special going on.  They have learned to depend on the Lord for every thing as life is not easy and all the help we are used to getting when help is needed is often not there, at least not for the poor. (Medical facilities, welfare, police, unemployment help, etc.)  Maybe we can learn something from them.


In His Love,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman