International Ministries

Find Out What "Trafkintun" Means

November 18, 2013 Journal
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TrafkintunAn event that brings Mapuche communities together for an interchange of products and knowledge.

A modern day trafkintun was just what we had. Last Saturday, eighteen women from three different weaving groups and several different communities came together to learn some of the latest dyeing techniques that are in high demand in the U.S. and Chile.

As, always, when we place our endeavors in God´s hands, He has more in store for us than we could have imagined.

Our friend Marcia who is an art teacher and weaving -dyeing instructor, came to spend the day with the women.

Marcia also has a weaving studio, where she creates high- line, one-of-a-kind knitted pieces, made to order.

Marcia told our women she has searched the whole region for the best yarn she can find. She told the women, “your yarn is the best quality I have seen.”

It was so great to see the dignity and pride in the faces of our women as they sold her the first five kilos with a commitment to purchase more yarn throughout the year.

Claudia and Magaly, the leaders of two other groups further south, attended so they can take these new techniques back to their communites. Claudia´s group makes hats, socks, ponchos, scarfs, sweaters, and jackets to be sold at the large craft fairs held for tourists in the summertime. She has purchased 20 kilos of yarn from the Repocura group this year and has an order for five more kilos pending.

We were also visited by a young American woman who has started her own yarn export business. She says our hand-spun, export-quality merino wool is the best, softest handspun she has seen in Chile. The group is now discussing how much they can produce for her in the coming year.

What a day!

I´m inspired and gratified that the women are finding a consistent market for their yarn.


The best part is that the women managed all these negotiations themselves. I can see that they have truly become competent business people, capable of running a profitable small business.


As they take more and more control, I am slowly moving to the background. Never with the thought of disengaging from my dear friends, but sharing and enjoying their success along with them and letting them walk on their own as I walk beside them.


Thank you so much for walking with us as we endeavor to do this good work. We love you and thank you.


In His name, Barb and Dwight.

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