International Ministries

Thanks for a Good Year

January 29, 2014 Journal
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Dear Friends,


What a joy it is for us to come to the close of this year and look back on the many ways we have experienced the presence of Christ with us. Though there have been moments where the tasks before us have seemed impossible, we look back and see clearly that God has not left us alone, but has gone before us, clearing the way, opening doors, and bringing friends to walk along side us.


The Year in Review

Thank you for accompanying us this year. Your generous gifts are changing lives in Chile and we want to say thank you for all that those gifts have made possible. Here is a quick glance at the highlights of 2013:

·         We are so happy to report that the rural health clinic had its grand opening and will be attended by medical personnel beginning in January.

·         The rainwater collection project has been more successful than we could have imagined and we have many more systems that must be installed before we leave for home assignment in June.

·         Our Girl’s Clubs project has continued to grow and is now working with more than 100 girls from Panguipulli to Santiago.

·         Our weavers groups have taken another step toward self-sufficiency as they have begun producing value-added products from their yarn and negotiating for themselves the sale of their yarn to other artisan cooperatives within Chile. This project continues to grow both with new participants and increased sales.


Home Assignment 2014 – Texas!

It was a productive and rewarding year and we are now looking forward to 2014 which also promises to be a big year for the Bolick family. We are scheduled to come back to the U.S. for home assignment beginning in July.

We would love to see as many of you as possible­. We hope you can come to Green Lake in July for the grand celebration of International Ministries´ 200th anniversary!  

If you would like for us to come and visit your church, please contact us in the coming weeks and we will begin to put together a travel schedule!


The Boys

Though some of you keep up with us through Facebook, we do want to update you on the boys. Jack just finished eighth grade. He is an excellent student and enjoys mountain biking, camping and competing in the National Fencing Federation of Chile. This year was his first year to compete in Santiago against adults and we were all amazed at the number of matches he won, reaching the quarter finals. How we love to watch him becoming a confident young man. He was baptized in March, too!


William is not far behind. He just finished third grade, is completely bilingual and enjoys riding his bike, art class, playing with friends and making us all laugh. He is looking forward to swimming lessons this summer and spending time camping with friends.  We are happy that he just started participating in the fencing club with Jack. They will be practicing together this summer and look forward to competing together someday in Santiago.

We thank God every day for healthy, happy children. They are by far the greatest gift we have ever received.


So we will say goodbye for now. Your prayers accompany us, your gifts sustain our work and your confidence continues to inspire us. We pray God´s greatest blessings on you all during this holiday season and throughout the coming year.


With much love,



Barb and Dwight


P.S.  Please send us an e-mail address so we can add you to our e-mail newsletter list.