International Ministries

Eye Clinic Extension Established

July 7, 2015 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,


Peace on each one of you. Since joining the ministry at the eye clinic, I noticed that many people in the remote areas had a hard time coming to our clinic to get their eyes checked and treated. They wanted us to bring the team to treat them in their villages.

After some time of pondering on the idea, we decided that a team would go visit, check and treat those people where they are. The visitation ministry has been very rewarding to see that many people are getting the help they badly deserve who would otherwise not be able to get the best care we offer and the glasses they need in order to resume fully their lives.


We created the extension in the border city of Ouanaminthe. This city is the door to Haiti for people coming from the Dominican Republic and the States. In spite of the now good road, it costs some money for a round trip to Cap-Haitian. In Ounaminthe our Baptist denomination has the most impressive church building  (a mega) and many members. In recent past we provided 3 water pumps in this city. Many of our formers students came from this city and many are there assuming the most precious social positions.  


It has now become my responsibility to see that the extension in Ouanaminthe has glasses and the medication for those people in need. This means on sight supervision. The team makes regular visits to treat people in this city.   


People would not be getting the best care in their places if you did not support this ministry. It is you who are really helping them while we are only the feet and the hands of the One we all serve.


In Haiti,


Nzunga & Kihomi



Dear Friends,


This is exciting news.  The eye clinic is a vital resource in northern Haiti.  Without it many would never get any eye care.  Nzunga takes the clinic out to many villages as a mobile endeavor but can only have a small about of supplies with him.  Now they have established their first extension in another city that is in need of this service.  This is a big step and badly needed.  Thank God for the resources you help provide for this expansion.  Pray that this venture is successful and can be repeated in other needy areas.


In His name,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman