International Ministries

Love Returned

January 3, 2016 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,


Happy New Year 2016.


2015 has become history now and 2016 is here to enjoy and to praise God for it.

Thursday December 31, 2015 was the last day of 2015. To us it was the most blessed last day one can expect to have at such a time of the year. We had an unexpected visit. I mean an unexpected visit.


We met Natacha at the National airport in Port-au-Prince while she was serving in a small snack bar there nine years ago. One day while buying our food we overheard her complaining about her 12 years old daughter who can’t toilet easily unless they force her stool. She saw many doctors in Port-au-Prince, the capital city, with no success. Some doctors proposed exploratory surgery.


We asked Natacha to bring her daughter Cynthia to our place so that Dr. Steve James can take a look at her. They came and Dr. Steve told her that the trouble was her poor diet.


 While staying with us, Kihomi fed them beans and vegetables. The second day, the girl had no trouble to toilet by herself. After four days with us we sent the two back to Port-au-Prince with our prayers and the encouragement to trust and to believe in the Lord.


Eight years after Natacha and Cynthia surprised us with an unexpected visit. They came to thank us for inviting them to our house, hosting them, showing them the way to the Doctor and teaching them the appropriate diet for Cynthia’s trouble. They came to thank us for the devotions we shared together. Since returning to their home, they both have become baptized believers, deeply engaged and committed in the church.


Kihomi and I were speechless when Natacha finished talking.


What a way to end 2015.


Thank you for supporting us in Haiti. Have a Happy and blessed New Year 2016.




Nzunga & Kihomi.  



Dear Friends,


Occasionally I am asked if Nzunga and Kihomi do evangelism and how many have they saved.  I always point out that God does the saving and we can only witness our testimony of what His love have done for us.  International Ministries have been in Haiti for decades therefore Nzunga’s work at the university and Kihomi’s work with the women of the Haitian Baptist churches is work with Christians.  However their examples of God’s love by meeting peoples needs that you have read about in their journals can not help but point people towards Jesus.  Often they don’t see the results of the seed they plant but in this case they are fortunate that those they touched returned to thank them and announce they have accepted the Lord.  Jesus said everything hung on loving God and your neighbor.  Paul said without love anything you do is useless.  May we learn this lesson in our country and get out of our churches and into our communities to demonstrate God’s love by meeting needs like Nzunga and Kihomi do in Haiti. 


Praying for a peaceful and fruitful 2016.

