International Ministries

Pastoral visits can be tough

June 16, 2017 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,


Greeting. It has been hot and very humid. With no AC, no 24/7 electricity, it is hard to have a restful night. Last night however it rained and it will help cool down the heat.

This Saturday, I started the day early on a pastoral visit.  I went North to visit the Daniel family in La Coupe. The Daniel family has a family transmissible disease that has affected the father and almost all the children. It cripples them and die before they get old. They have already lost their oldest boy whom was paralyzed for over seven years. 

From La Coupe, I took the opposite direction for Plaisance to visit Madame Jean.  A fervent deacon of our Baptist Church, Mrs. Jean lost her two senior university children from the 2010 deadly earthquake. Since that loss Madame Jean has not been the same again. She puts a smile when people are around. Otherwise she suffers from high blood pressure, dizziness and weakness. And the cries inside her heart never stop.

While in Plaisance, the spirit led me to remember a lady and her husband I met at Miami International Airport. I asked for them. Interestingly their house was just across Madame Jean's. When I got to that house, I was surprised to learn that the husband was dead five months ago and now the son was shot dead in the capital city five days ago. Unprepared I had to counsel the lady who needs a professional help. She talks, talks with no break and no stop. She has been shocked by the loss of her husband and now her son. Before leaving them all I read a portion of scripture, extorted and led them in prayers .

Many of our people suffer in silence with nobody to hear them. They cry as they walk and cry as they sing and pray. They have become ruminant of their own problems.    

Thank you for being with us so that we can be with them.

In Haiti,


Dear friends,

We all have problems.  When I think I am having problems I think of the people I have met in Haiti and what they are up against.  No safety nets of any kind.  Life is hard and quite often short. (Life expectancy is 50).  Kihomi provides counseling, the hope that Jesus brings and maybe most of all the fact that someone cares.  This takes a toll on Kihomi also when you see so much need that you have so little resources they need.  Please keep her I prayer.

Because He lives,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman