International Ministries

Sharlotte’s tumor is gone

August 21, 2008 Journal

Successful treatment at Washington, DC's NIH HospitalEngelaug1

Sharlotte's father, Carlos, called me recently to let me know that the doctors had informed the family that the tumor was gone!  No surgery needed!!  Through chemotherapy and radiation, the tumor disappeared.  Sharlotte is still in Washington and will complete the final round of chemotherapy but the doctors are astounded!  She will then stay another month or two to recover from the effects of therapy but should be in La Romana by Christmas 2008.

Many Thanks Engelaug2

So many people came together to make sure that this little girl not only received the needed treatment but also had a support system of friends, family, churches and medical staff.  Thank you so much for changing this little girl's life.  Without your prayers and financial help, this just would not have been possible.  This is an example of how one life does make a difference...we don't have to do great things but small things with great love.  Bless each of you!
