International Ministries

Home Sweet Home

April 11, 2017 Journal
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting from our beloved Haiti. After six months of medical treatment in the States, we are back where we rightly belong: in Haiti. We continue to praise God for His love, His continuous care and His loving presence.

We want to thank you for your love and your support of all kinds. It is your prayers and your love that helped us when we were struggling with the knee replacement. The experience was hard but we are glad that we had it done. 

Our voyage from Phoenix to Chicago then Miami and then to Cap-Haitian was smooth with no incident. We got home fine Saturday April 8 around 7 PM. A young professor of  our university organised a big supper for us. Beside the supper, he gave us the whole goat as a warm welcome to eat when we feel rested. 

Sunday we had lunch with the former president of our university, Dr. Jules  & Laurie Casseus. In the afternoon, I visited four water pumps: one in Djela, two in Lombard and one  in Sodo. The Sodo one needs a repair.

At 7 PM Kihomi has a two-hour meeting with some of her leaders around here to plan a training seminar that is coming up next week with delegates from Bas-Limbe and Romeo.

In six months of absence we found that everything we left in our bedroom were covered with mold. So, this week we are busy washing and cleaning up.

Thank you for being the feet and the hands of Jesus to us.

Yours in Haiti,

Nzunga & Kihomi

 Dear Friends,

It has been a long hard surgery and rehabilitation for Nzunga.  They have longed to be back in Haiti for months and now they are.  Please pray for continued healing as his right knee is not fully recovered and that the left knee holds up also.  He is not ready to go through this again real soon. 


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352

Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman