International Ministries

Herb Rogers Trains Lab Personnel

June 5, 2017 Journal
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NOTE:  This journal should have been published before the last one.  I got them out of order.  Sorry! 

Dear Loved Ones,


Greeting. This Monday May 29, 2017 was a very busy day for us at the eye clinic. In the morning, we had Herb Rogers teach us some laboratory Technics for the inauguration on Thursday June 1st. Herb is a longtime missionary to Haiti and a volunteer at the mission headquarter in Valley Forge. He is a PH. D. in microbiology and was the chief laboratory at L'hopital Bon Samaritain in Limbe. 


In the afternoon, I had to teach our interns and my staff on forgiveness and its impacts on our ministries. After the lecture, I had to counsel some staff with personal issues.


We will never be able to be here and to do what God has allowed us to do without your support. Your prayers fuel us on daily basis. Your emails, letters and cards energize us so we can keep on keeping on.


Thank you for standing by our side.


In Haiti,


Nzunga & Kihomi


Dear Friends,


Herb Rogers is one of the finest and most dedicated Christians I have had the pleasure to meet.  At his age, most are rocking on the front porch, but not Herb.  He makes many trips a year to Haiti to help where he can.  After the earthquake, he spent months there.  Not only does he have expertise in certain fields he knows the Haitian people and their culture as well as any non-Haitian can.




Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman