International Ministries

New patio, new dreams!

April 16, 2010 Journal
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Much has happened in these past two months (or is it already three?).

Could you believe we moved twice? (We moved both, the seminary and our home... hmm not highly recommended). But, praise the Lord we survived!


We all worked to clean, scrape, plaster, and fix the major damages the building had (we can sleep without cold now). And even when there is still work to be done and furniture in need for the students, we are all extremely happy for this blessing!


Plus, we started classes in February and continue with the water project, the adult extension education, the Mayan women group of solidary economy and the youth leadership development program. And there is a lot more going on here especially with the Peace Ministry!


Our students enjoy studying (they do study!) in the patio for it gives them the sense of being closer to their natural environment. Plus, we get to share in a more natural way our wisdom and knowledge that has become one of our fundamental values. In this sharing, we have gotten closer as friends and companions of God´s kingdom and we have become strong.


This place is a blessing for all (even for our dog, Coqui who gets to run wildly all over the place!). So, in this change, God is helping us to continue building up a community of faith that will get strong and able to share God´s love with compassion.


So, we hope you could come someday and enjoy along with the students the new patio, a sweet orange and a grateful prayer to the One giving us the many blessings we receive every day. You are one of these blessings to us and we are grateful for you and your committed support to this ministry. We keep you all in our prayers.


Wokolawal kermanoesh, kermanaesh! (Thank you, our brothers, our sisters!)

Doris and Ricardo